PREDICTIVE AI for better Investing
Quant Wealthtech Suite
The Wealthtech Suite comprises currently of six different Quant Portfolios. A Quant Portfolio is a Quant Model combined with an equity universe.
Buy and Sell Signals are managed by our Quants. Currently we have the models CLIMB, COLLECT and RESIST in place.
They are different in risk-return profiles with a range from offensive to conservative.
Quant Portfolio Slider
Quantmade Core Quant Approach
There are a lot of ways to trade stocks with Quant Models and there are certainly a lot of Quant models out there in the world. In our Quantmade Lab, we developed, tested and reviewed more than 1000 different quant models only to arrive at the point to deliver the best quant models to our clients. Our objective is the be better in terms of RISK and RETURN vs. the benchmark. We design the lowest betas or highest alphas possible for trading equities or other asset classes.
Less time-in-the-market and better timing-the-market is key
Using our AI-driven stochastic models, we can predict price movements with a certain degree of probability. This enables us to stay in positions as long as the likelihood of an upward trend remains strong enough to provide a clear advantage. Since each position is independently managed, it has its own exit strategy based on our models. We are not investors in the traditional sense; we are traders with a quantitative focus. Our portfolios employ a highly dynamic investment strategy, allowing us to minimize drawdowns by remaining largely in cash during downturns and capitalizing on upward trends. By not being constantly invested in individual stocks and, at times, moving fully into cash, we effectively reduce risk while still achieving exceptional returns.
Core Quant Methodology
Probablity based Zero-Lag Turnaround Swing Reversal Systems
Our Quants predict swing patterns for the next 10 days with high accuracy
Coca-Cola Y21/22
As can be seen in the chart of Coca-Cola, the Quant models avoid unintersting enteries with a low degree of upside potential. The Quants are able to differentiate between lower and higher volatility and adapt dynamically to market changes. This supresses drawdowns, buffers risks and increases returns – everything we want.
The Wealthtech Suite offers superior Quant Models and Portfolios
Talk to us if you want to receive more information about all our Quant Portfolios